Thursday, February 28, 2019

Speech #2 Group Good Times 1st speech Check Wed. 3.20 & Thurs 3.21

Here we go for round two!

1.  We will pick your groups. It is good for you.  Here is the list:
2.  Your group will unanimously pick either a social movement or either support or refute a proposed or current policy.
3.   The sociology components (25 points each): If you only have 3 members, eliminate the pathos and we will discuss as a group. Your speech is a cumulative minimum of 6 minutes.
          a.  People - Who is involved? Who are the major figures supporting your groups' viewpoint?
          b.  Position - What is the position of your group on your chosen issue?
          c.  Push back - What is the other side of this issue?
          d.  Pathos - Why does your group support this position?

First steps to organization:
Complete this chart on index card and submit to Barber/Blackmon.
1. All names of group members.
2. Topic chosen unanimously by group.
3. Assigned roles (A-D) above in group.  This is your speech topic.

Complete this form to share your group topic and roles:

Complete this form if a member of your group is not performing up the group's expectations.

You will present March 26-29.  We will use this document to prepare for debates:
Speech 2 Sound Off for Debates
Use this form to submit your MEDIA LINK to use during your presentation. 

Barber classes will in 1114 March 18-22.
Blackmon classes will in 2409 on March 18, 19 and 22.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Week 7-8-9 New Unit-Social Structures Groups and Communities

Hi everyone!  Coach Barber and I are so impressed with your speech content.  Please reflect on your performance as we head into speech #2.

Notes for Social Structures:

WRITING:  HBO Real Sports Segment on Lopez Lomong:
On your own paper, provide an example of each of the following after viewing the vidoe clip: exchange, cooperation, accommodation, competition and conflict.

If you were absent for the video, come up with a scenario wherein each of the five types of social interaction are present.  You could use a movie, comic book, or your own life experience.

1. TED Talk Cleo Wade:  Want to Change the World?  Start By Being Brave Enough to Care 

2.  TED Talk Erricka Bridgeford How Baltimore Called a Ceasefire

1. National School Walkout
2.  Timeline:  Student Activism throughout History:
3.  What does activism look like?
4.  7 Times in History When Students Turned to Activism
5. 10 Ways Youth Can Engage in Activism

Where do we start?
While individual efforts are valuable, students can learn the skills of collaborating on civic issues by working together as a whole class. Here are the five broad steps they should follow:
1. Identify issues important in their lives and community, and decide on one to address.
2. Research the chosen issue and decide how to change or improve the situation.

3. Plan an action, including determining a goal for change; identifying who or what body in the community has power to make the change; and deciding how to approach that person or those people.
4. Carry out the action through letters, talks, meetings with officials, policy proposals, and activities, depending on the specific goals of the project.
5. Reflect on the effort when it is over in order to understand their successes, challenges, and ways to continue learning in the future.

Our Community: What are our assets?  STAND AND DECLARE ACTIVITY.

Alienation - Electronic Community - Mental Health
1.  Why has the suicide rate increased 30% since 2000 and tripled for young girls (doubled from 2007-2015) ?
2.  Why does teen stress levels rival adults stress levels? 

What can we do to help?

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Week 6 - Speech Week! Room 1115 Mon-Fri!

We are finally here! Speech Week. We are quite excited to hear your creations.

After hearing all of the awesomeness of your peers, please complete the following form for our "Speech/Soc Superlatives":


Once again here are the speech requirements:

Speech info:"People Say I am"
Speech Components - Actual Assignment
General Speech Rubric
Sociology Components/Rubric:
    1. Within your speech, I should hear the meaning/application/examples of sociological imagination embedded in your speech. 
    2. I should also hear examples of material/non-material culture shaping your personality. 
    3. Also, your cultural identity should shine through.
*Please  understand you do NOT have to use these actual terms in your speech by name.  However, your speech should show a connection of you to your world and how world has shaped you in some manner.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sociology Online Text Link and "I Cannot Login" Form

Online Access 
Georgia Sociology
Georgia Sociology
Right click icon above or copy link below

If you cannot access the above code, complete this form.
Cannot Access Sociology Text

Friday, February 1, 2019

Week 5 Feb 4-8 People Say I Am Speech Practice/Complete Culture notes

I am still working on the online textbook for many of you.  I will make sure you have class time using the actual book.

This week:
1. Complete Culture Notes and turn in for a grade.  All summaries should be complete.
2. In 2409 computer lab Wed-Fri for speech practice.
3. Friday we will go down to room 1115 to show you where to meet the next week.
4. Speech info:"People Say I am"
Speech Components - Actual Assignment
General Speech Rubric
Sociology Components/Rubric:
    1. Within your speech, I should hear the meaning/application/examples of sociological imagination embedded in your speech. 
    2. I should also hear examples of material/non-material culture shaping your personality. 
    3. Also, your cultural identity should shine through.
*Please  understand you do NOT have to use these actual terms in your speech by name.  However, your speech should show a connection of you to your world and how world has shaped you in some manner.