Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Week 1 Speech/Sociology

Welcome to Sociology! Unit 1 Culture and Social Structures

Thank you for choosing to take this class.  
We are embarking on a new journey together.  

Here is your syllabus and calendar for this course:

County Link to Digital Textbook: 
If you cannot access the above code, complete this form.

Please sign-up TODAY for our class remind!

We should have online text links and a class set of books soon.  In the mean time, here are your
RESOURCES for Unit 1 - The Foundations of Sociology.

Crash Course Style:

Most People Are Bad At Arguing

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sociology Terms to Know for Final

I will miss you all. Have a great break!
Image result for winter holiday cheer image

Sociology terms to know:

  1. sociology
  2. social sciences
  3. sociological perspective
  4. sociological imagination
  5. society
  6. culture
  7. non material culture
  8. material culture
  9. norms
  10. subculture
  11. counterculture
  12. cultural relativism
  13. ethnocentrism

Friday, December 6, 2019

Speech-Soc Capstone Speech

Barber and Blackmon want to hear from you.

The last project will be a mulit-media project of your choosing with this message:   
What is the Hillgrove Soc/Speech class about? 
What is Hillgrove all about?  
What advice would you give for future students?

Through this multimedia project and  2-3 minute speech you will discuss the following:
JUNIORS: Answer all questions.
1.  Why take this class? What is the point of the course to you? (Juniors)
2.  What was gained?  What was lost by taking this course? (Juniors)
3.  What advice would you give future students of this course? (Juniors)

SENIORS - Answer all 3 questions.
1.  What has Hillgrove High School meant to you? (Seniors)
2.  What was gained?  What was lost by being a student at Hillgrove? (Seniors)
3.  What advice would you give future students of Hillgrove? (Seniors)

RUBRIC: Rubric
Speech 30% - 5 components of a speech will be graded
Sociology 30% - Patterns, Culture, Socialization, (You are to use vocabulary/theories/sociological perspectives to show your understanding of sociology.)
Pros/Cons 15 % - 3 total ; Be honest!
Advice to future students 15% - outlook and contributions
Multimedia component: 10% - what platforms were utilized? (Pick a visual...any visual! We know you can get creative here. Enjoy it!)